In the AXA group, we have subsidiaries in more than 30 countries all over the world as well as our own assistance services. We are available for our clients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is one of our main missions to get our clients safely back home from their travels.
We naturally need feedback from our clients to be able to continue improving our services and products.
How can our clients assess our services?
We evaluate the feedback from all sources that we have available. That means telephone calls, messages, chat, social media and emails. Nor do we forget Google, where the assessment of our assistance services is also available for you to
read. And we highly recommend you do so! However, one of the most substantial sources is the client assessment within
Customer Pulse.
The assessment functions in such a way that, after the end of the assistance services, the client automatically receives an SMS message with a link to the survey. For several years, this survey has been the most valuable means of helping us improve our services.
In what areas is the assessment most important for us?
The two most important areas are of course travel and car assistance services.
What is the most important thing for our clients when they need help?
The clients themselves say that when they experience some health issues abroad, what they value the most is that our operator is polite and very empathetic. (We will write about our operators’ work some other time to give you an idea of how demanding and responsible the work is.) Another very important criterion is the quickness with which the right steps to follow are recommended. In third place, there is the fact that we always keep our clients informed about the case. If you yourself have already needed assistance services abroad or in your country, you will certainly agree with our clients.
In the case of assistance services for cars and motorbikes, what owners value the most is how quickly we are able to provide contractors. The time needed for a serviceman or a breakdown service to arrive shares its place on the list with the evaluation of our operators’ empathy. This is the same also for the travel assistance services. The fact that we keep our clients informed about the whole procedure and the organisation of a potential transport to a given destination (or back home) is rightfully in third place.
What problems do our operators solve the most often?
In the case of travel assistance services, most of the calls concern ensuring payment of a doctor’s fee. What is the most frequent problem? It will probably not surprise anyone much but it is diarrhoea. Clients also need from us a medical consultation – most often we find a doctor for them and if they are able to go to see him/her, we also arrange a visit. If the client is in no capacity for a visit, we arrange for the doctor to come and see them e.g. at the hotel.
As for car assistance services, first place is held by cars that are broken down and immobile. Therefore, we provide the clients with either a breakdown service or a service centre where the vehicle can be repaired.
What is crucial for us in every instance is to get our clients safely home.
And what do the numbers say? Are the clients really satisfied?
Yes, they are. And we are justifiably proud of it. The numbers indicating satisfaction keep rising in all the areas, even though we of course keep placing higher and higher demands on ourselves.
Let’s be specific:
During the last year, we received more than 14 thousand comments (Czech and Polish market combined) in the domain of travel and car and motorbike assistance.
The response rate fluctuates around 23% in both countries, depending of course on the season.
Clients value not only our colleagues on the line and the quickness and success rate of solved cases but also our contractors. The breakdown services, repair services, medical care and hospitals.
And how do the clients assess for instance our operators for the last year, on a scale from 1 to 5? The result did not drop under 4.76!
An example from experience?
We have thousands of them but we will emphasise one. It actually contains a sort of moral.
If you travel to Madagascar (or to Český Krumlov), never eat berries from bushes that you do not safely know. Our client has tried it (no, we do not know why). When he called us that he needed help, it did not seem very optimistic. You would say that to get a doctor to see him cannot be a problem in Madagascar. It isn’t, unless the rainy season has just started and the roads are impassable. Our client has survived but only thanks to the help of a great number of people and their substantial effort.
And we are thankful to all our clients who send us their opinion. It helps us to keep moving forward.