Pozor na podvodníky! Zákazníky kontaktují lidé, kteří se vydávají za falešné zaměstnance společnosti AXA. Další informace, co dělat, naleznete zde.

Comprehensive Health Insurance for Foreigners

Health insurance for foreigners is necessary for foreigners who are not citizens of a member state of the European Union and, at the same time, cannot participate in the Czech public health insurance system.
General information
General information
Health insurance for foreigners is necessary for foreigners who are not citizens of a member state of the European Union and, at the same time, cannot participate in the Czech public health insurance system. This insurance meets the requirements of the Act on the Residency of Foreigners in the Czech Republic and is recognized by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

An integral part of this insurance is a high-quality and non-stop assistance service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the Czech, English and Russian languages.​
The comprehensive health insurance for foreigners is intended for foreigners who intend to reside in the Czech Republic for 90 days or longer and to apply for a long-term visa or long-term residency permit or to apply for an extension of a visa or residency permit. This insurance is necessary if the application for a visa or an extension of a visa or residency permit is submitted in the Czech Republic.
Comprehensive health care is provided in contractual health-care facilities in the Czech Republic. Insurance in the extent of necessary and urgent care also applies to stays of the insured person in the Schengen area outside the territory of the Czech Republic, where each individual stay can last up to 30 days.
The insurance covers:
The insurance covers:
■  outpatient care
■  institutional medical care, including diagnostic, preventive and dispensary care
■  emergency care and rescue services
■  transport of the patient and provision of outpatient prescribed medications
■  repatriation of the insured person or bodily remains of the insured person
■  pregnancy and childbirth-related care
The insurance does not cover “regulatory fees” in a health-care facility for the insured person. 
Coverage options:
STANDARD - covers comprehensive health care
MOTHER - includes comprehensive STANDARD health care plus post-natal health care for the insured person’s newborn

The insurance does not cover “regulatory fees” in a health-care facility for the insured person. 
A detailed description of assistance services including indemnity limits can be found in the insurance policy terms and conditions.

The insurance covers the following types of stays of the insured person in the Czech Republic:
■  tourist stay 
■  study stay 
■  work stay